This app lists open tickets for a customer and allows the customer to create a new ticket. 

  • The tickets are stored in Zendesk.
  • Machine ID and customer information are linked via custom fields in both IXON Cloud and Zendesk.
  • Users in the same customer group can view each other's tickets.
  • A customer represents a group within IXON's user management.

For this app, the source code is available on Github.


Please note: This is a Workshop app provided as-is by IXON. While we don't provide official support, you are welcome to report suggestions, requests or issues on GitHub. The community and IXON staff can address these as time permits, but no priority support is available.

Follow these steps to install:
  • Step 1: Click the ‘Install’ button.
  • Step 2: Select your IXON company account and press 'Install'.
  • Step 3: Enable the app in Admin > Apps > Enable.
  • Step 4:  In the IXON Cloud, go to the Admin > Custom fields, add a custom field with name Serial Number, and copy its identifier for use in the next step. 
  • Step 5: Go to Zendesk Admin Center > Objects and rules > Tickets >Fields, add a custom field with the name Serial Number, and copy its Field Id for use in the next step. 
  • Step 6: Go to Admin > Apps and Edit the app to open the config settings.
  • Step 7: Enter the following configuration and replace the values by your project specific values (details below).
    • {
        "zendesk_email": "x",
        "zendesk_token": "y",
        "zendesk_subdomain": "z",
        "custom_fields": [
            "ixon": "comSerial",
            "zendesk": 11910782571793
    • Parameter
      The email address of the zendesk admin
      The token of the zendesk admin: In Admin Center, click Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select APIs > Zendesk API. Click the Add API token button to the right of Active API tokens. The token is generated and displayed.
      The subdomain of the zendesk admin.
      Note: if your url is: then your subdomain is ixon
      Is used to map IXON custom fields to Zendesk custom fields to automatically add the field value to a Zendesk ticket upon creation. You can add multiple mappings to this array.
      Create Zendesk custom fields in the Admin Center / Objects and rules / Tickets / Fields
      Create IXON custom fields in the Admin app / Custom fields


  • Step 8: Go to Fleet Manager > Devices and for each device do step 9. 
  • Step 9: On the Info page, under General, give each device a Serial Number value.
  • Step 10: Go to the Studio, open a page and drag and drop the Zendesk Connector component on a page.


App details