The Digital Twin app enables to upload a 3D model file and map live metrics into the individual components (so called nodes) of the 3D model. The live values from the machines are mapped to individual 3D model nodes allowing you to visualize the real-time position of your machine components. Rotating the joints of a robot arm is a possible use case scenario. A default file with six rotating joints is included in the installation and can be used to explore and test the app functionality.
The 3D Model file has to be provided in glTF file format. glTF is a JSON based format where the individual nodes have identifiers. You need to know these identifiers for the live metric mapping.

Interested in customized Digital Twins with even more powerful 3D rendering and advanced live metric mapping capabilities? Contact us for an informal chat.

Follow these steps to install:

  • Step 1: Click the ‘Install’ button.
  • Step 2: Select your IXON company account and press 'Install'.
  • Step 3: Enable the app in Admin > Apps > Enable.
  • Step 4: Open the Studio > add the 3D digital twin component to a page > set up the component settings > publish the page.

Add input mappings which should be used to visualize your machine, that is mappings from live metrics to the identifiers of the individual nodes. For every input mapping, select the appropriate axis of rotation and an offset to compensate for an initial rotation value that comes with the 3D model. The available node identifiers for the included default file (robot arm) are “base_joint”, “shoulder_joint”, “elbow_joint”, “wrist_joint_1”, “wrist_joint_2”, “wrist_joint_3”. Make sure that the live metric data delivers data in the range [-1.0, 1.0].

App details