The Bulk Firmware Upgrade app enables you to easily upgrade the firmware of all IXrouters in your IXON Cloud company. Select the desired firmware version, click 'start', and the app does the rest.

Only users with permission "Manage devices" or "Configure devices" can upgrade the firmware of IXrouters. This app is designed to be used on a main page.

The firmware upgrade support article contains useful information and tips before you start a firmware upgrade as well as troubleshooting assistance in the rare case a firmware upgrade does not succeed.
For this app, the source code is available on Github.
Please note: this is a Workshop app. Workshop apps are provided 'as-is' and not supported by IXON.
Follow these steps to install:

  • Step 1: Click the 'Install' button.
  • Step 2: Select your IXON company account and press 'Install'.
  • Step 3: Enable the app in Admin > Apps > Enable.
  • Step 4: Go to the Studio > open a main page and drag and drop the Service Logbook component on a page > publish the page.
Note that all users with access to the main page can upgrade the firmware of all IXrouters in your IXON Cloud company. Permission 'Manage devices' is required.

App details