For a machine, documents from AFAS ERP can be displayed based on the Project ID in AFAS.
For the integration, the Project ID is configured within an IXON device.

For this app, the source code is available on Github.


Please note: This is a Workshop app provided as-is by IXON. While we don't provide official support, you are welcome to report suggestions, requests or issues on GitHub. The community and IXON staff can address these as time permits, but no priority support is available.

Follow these steps to install:
  • Step 1: Click the ‘Install’ button.
  • Step 2: Select your IXON company account and press 'Install'.
  • Step 3: Enable the app in Admin > Apps > Enable.
  • Step 4: In AFAS, create 2 GetConnectors and copy their names for use in a later step.
    • GetConnector #1 requires fields Project and Dossieritem
      Component 1 1
    • GetConnector #2 requires fields Dossieritem, Bijlage and Naam.
      Component 2 1
  • Step 5: In the IXON Cloud, go to the Admin > Custom fields, add a custom field with name ProjectID, and copy its identifier for use in the next step.
  • Step 6: Go to Admin > Apps and Edit the app to open the config settings.
  • Step 7: Enter the following configuration and replace the values by your project specific values (details below). 
    • {
        "token": "<token><version>1</version><data>token123</data></token>",
        "environment_id": "123456",
        "dossier_per_project_connector": "get_connector_1_name",
        "files_per_dossier_connector": "get_connector_2_name",
        "project_id_custom_field_id": "comProjectId",
        "webhook_url": ""
    • Parameter Description
      token The token is used to authenticate with the AFAS API. This can be generated by your AFAS administrator in AFAS.
      environment_id The environment ID is also used to authenticate with the AFAS API. This can be found by your AFAS administrator in AFAS.
      dossier_per_project_connector This GetConnector is used to get the dossier ID for the project in AFAS. Enter the name of GetConnector #1 that was created at step 4.
      files_per_dossier_connector This GetConnector is used to get the files for the dossier in AFAS. Enter the name of GetConnector #2 that was created at step 4.
      project_id_custom_field_id This ID is used to link the project in AFAS to the device in IXON Cloud. Enter the identifier you copied at step 5.
      webhook_url (optional) The Webhook URL can be used to measure how often a file is downloaded. Each time a file is downloaded, a POST message is sent to the Webhook URL. Zapier or other services supporting Webhooks can be used.

      An example of the Webhook POST message is displayed below. Note that “agent_or_asset” is the device name.
        “agent_or_asset": "Flow Packer 6100",
        "file_id": 12345,
        "file_name": "manual.pdf",
        "utc_time": "2023-10-27T15:30:00"
  • Step 8: Go to Fleet Manager > Devices and click on the device name you wish to link to your AFAS project.
  • Step 9: On the Info page, under General, enter the AFAS project ID in the ProjectId field.
  • Step 10: Go to the Studio, open a page and drag and drop the AFAS Document Connector component on a page.

App details